domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

Genitive Saxon or Possessive 's

The Genitivite Saxon, also called Possessive 's is used to express possession. 

Its structure is the following one: 


For instance...

  • Jamie's car: Possessor: Jamie + 's + Object possessed: car
  • Lucy's bike: Possessor: Lucy + 's + Object possessed: bike


If there are two possessors (Jamie and Lucy), the apostrophe 's goes at the end of the name of the last possessor. 

If the possessor is a plural name (students), the apostrophe comes at the end and there is not need of a final s. Example: The students' class

Now it's your time...

Bye - bye

Good morning to everyone! These three years have been a period in which we've learnt from each other, we've laughed a lot, we'...